Bing Search API Pricing

Use Bing APIs to enable search capabilities in your applications.

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Bing Search APIs are available as part of the following Bing Search plans that provide greater value and flexibility.

Bing Search API v7

The Bing Search APIs add intelligent search to your app, combing hundreds of billions of webpages, images, videos, and news to provide relevant results with no ads. The results can be automatically customized to your user's locations or markets, increasing relevancy by staying local. It includes 8 features:

Bing Image Search

Search for images and get comprehensive results. Help users scour the web for images. Results include thumbnails, full image URLs, publishing website info, image metadata, and more.

Bing News Search

Search for news and get comprehensive results. Search the web for news articles. Results include details like authoritative image of the news article, related news and categories, provider info, article URL, and date added.

Bing Video Search

Search for videos and get comprehensive results. Find videos across the web. Results provide useful metadata including creator, encoding format, video length, view count, and more.

Bing Visual Search

Bing Visual Search delivers all of Bing’s intelligent image understanding capabilities in a single call, enabling developers to build compelling image applications on the device of their choice. Interpret visual content to find related products or images, read business cards, identify barcodes, find the image’s source, or recognize popular artwork, monuments, celebrities, and common objects.

Bing Web Search

Get enhanced search details from billions of web documents. Retrieve web documents indexed by Bing and narrow down the results by result type, freshness, and more.

Bing Entity Search

Bing Entity Search brings rich context about people, places, things, and local businesses to your apps, blog, or website for a more engaging user experience. It will identify the most relevant entity based on your searched term and provide primary details about those entities. Local business information is currently available only in en-US market.

Bing Spell Check

Add advanced cloud-based spelling algorithms to your app with the Bing Speller API, and give your users the peace of mind that your app will understand the input they provide.

Bing Autosuggest

Bing Autosuggest API helps narrow the search quickly by allowing your users to see suggestions for popular search terms. It can correct perceived mistakes and returns detailed contextual suggestions according to other searches people have found useful.

Bing Search API v7 Pricing Details

Free 3

Bing Image Search

Bing News Search

Bing Video Search

Bing Visual Search

Bing Web Search

Bing Entity Search

Bing Autosuggest

Bing Spell Check

1,000 transactions free per month for all markets
S1 250

Bing Web Search

Bing Image Search

Bing News Search

Bing Video Search

Bing Entity Search

Bing Autosuggest*

Bing Spell Check*

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$25 per 1,000 transactions

$25 per 25,000 transactions*






$10 per 1,000 transactions

S2 100

Bing Web Search

Bing Autosuggest*

Bing Spell Check*

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$15 per 1,000 transactions

$15 per 10,000 transactions*


$10 per 1,000 transactions

S3 100

Bing Web Search

Bing Image Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$18 per 1,000 transactions


$10 per 1,000 transactions

S4 100

Bing Web Search

Bing Video Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$18 per 1,000 transactions


$10 per 1,000 transactions

S5 100

Bing Web Search

Bing News Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$18 per 1,000 transactions


$10 per 1,000 transactions

S6 100

Bing Web Search

Bing Entity Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$15 per 1,000 transactions


$10 per 1,000 transactions

S7 150

Bing Web Search

Bing Image Search

Bing Video Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$20 per 1,000 transactions



$10 per 1,000 transactions

S8 150

Bing Web Search

Bing Image Search

Bing News Search

Bing Video Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$22 per 1,000 transactions




$10 per 1,000 transactions

S9 30

Bing Visual Search

Optional Bing Statistics Add-in

$15 per 1,000 transactions

$10 per 1,000 transactions

S1 Offering

Web Search responses will incorporate and rank query appropriate web results, image, news, video, entity and related search answers. Spell checking will be included in the query response.This bundle also includes additional answers such as time zone, unit conversion, translation, and calculator when appropriate.

This tier also offers higher transactions per second (TPS) limits, and the ability to call Auto Suggest* and Spell Check* APIs.

S2 Offering

Web Search responses will incorporate and rank query appropriate web results. This tier also the ability to call Auto Suggest* and Spell Check* APIs.

S3 Offering

Web Search responses will automatically incorporate and rank query appropriate web results and image search results, and include spell checking in the query response.

S4 Offering

Web Search responses will automatically incorporate and rank query appropriate web results and video search results, and include spell checking in the query response.

S5 Offering

Web Search responses will automatically incorporate and rank query appropriate web results and news search results, and include spell checking in the query response.

S6 Offering

Web Search responses will automatically incorporate and rank query appropriate web results and entity search results where available. Spell checking included in the query response.

S7 Offering

Web Search responses will automatically incorporate and rank query appropriate web results, image search, and video search results. Spell checking included in the query response.

S8 Offering

Web Search responses will automatically incorporate and rank query appropriate web results, image search, video search, and news search results. Spell checking included in the query response.

S9 Offering

The Bing Visual Search offering will provide contextual information from images, or image URLs. To consume other search APIs, in addition to this API, please subscribe to the appropriate Tier along with this offering.

Frequently asked questions

Bing Search APIs are invoiced based on number of transactions (also known as API calls). These plans are pay-as-you-go and doesn’t incur additional cost for complex queries and more than 10 results (up to 50 results in most cases).

  • If you are subscribed to the S15 instance and you make more than 1M queries in a 24-hour period, Bing may return a 403 error message that the caller exceeded their transactions per day quota. You can read more about error codes at Error codes used by the Bing Web Search API - Bing Services | Microsoft Learn.
  • Partners who subscribe only to the S16 instance will be charged the S16 rate for every transaction made on that instance.​
  • Partners who subscribe to the S15 instance will be charged the S15 rate up to 1M queries per day. If you believe you may only exceed the 1M per day transaction limit occasionally, we recommend subscribing to both S15 and S16 and implementing monitoring so you can automatically switch to the S16 instance once you have exceeded your daily limit.

If you happen to exceed the mentioned number of transactions per second (TPS), your usage will be throttled and you will see an associated error code. You can find information on error codes in the documentation for each API.

For billing purposes, a transaction is a successful Bing API call request (though there are caveats for DoS attacks). For logging and reporting purposes such as for the Bing Statistics Add-in, it is any Bing API call irrespective of whether it is successful or not.

You can change the tier of service anytime. Please make sure you use appropriate keys in your API calls. If you are having enterprise agreement with Microsoft, please work with your account executive.

On February 16, 2023, we announced a price change for all of the Bing Search APIs. The new prices went into effect on May 1, 2023. We periodically assess the value and pricing of our services to meet market demands and align the pricing of our products and services with customer consumption trends and preferences. The new pricing model reflects more accurately the technology investments Bing continues to make to improve Search.

Bing Custom Search API Pricing

Build a customized search that fits your needs. The Bing Custom Search API gives you powerful ranking, a global-scale search index, and document processing with fast, simple setup. The core technology works in four steps—by identifying on-topic sites and images, providing automatic query suggestions, applying the Bing ranker, and delivering relevant search results. Adjust the parameters and access usage insights anytime

Bing Custom Search API Pricing Details

Free 1

Bing Custom Search

1,000 transactions free per month for all markets
S1 100

Bing Custom Search

$18 per 1,000 transactions

S2 150

Bing Custom Search with Statistics features

$20 per 1,000 transactions
S3 150

Bing Custom Search with Image Search, Video Search and Statistics features

$22 per 1,000 transactions
S4 150

Bing Custom Autosuggest

$18 per 10,000 transactions

S1 Tier Offering

This tier will rank relevant webpages for a given query honoring your custom search instance configuration. Features like adding sites, blocking sites, pinning sites, instance staging, and instance sharing are easily configured and supported through the authoring portal.

S2 Tier Offering

Includes capabilities offered in S1 Tier Offering + Statistics.

This tier will rank relevant webpages for a given query honoring your custom search instance configuration. Features like adding sites, blocking sites, pinning sites, instance staging, and instance sharing are easily configured and supported through the authoring portal.

This bundle also includes the Statistics feature that can be used to analyze the usage of your custom search instance. You can gather metrics such as call volume, top queries, API response code distribution, market distribution, amongst many others.

This tier also offers higher transactions per second (TPS) limits.

S3 Tier Offering

Includes capabilities offered in S2 Tier Offering + Custom Image Search.

This tier will rank relevant webpages for a given query honoring your custom search instance configuration. Features like adding sites, blocking sites, pinning sites, instance staging, and instance sharing are easily configured and supported through the authoring portal.

With this bundle, you can also search through images and videos on your selected domains and incorporate those on your search pages along with webpages for more complete user experience. With a separate endpoint, you can select to go with either images or videos alone or webpages, images, and videos all together.

This bundle also includes the Statistics feature that can be used to analyze the usage of your custom search instance. You can gather metrics such as call volume, top queries, API response code distribution, market distribution, amongst many others.

This tier also offers higher transactions per second (TPS) limits.

S4 Tier Offering

With this Tier, you can also augment your user experience by providing query completions tailored to your selected domains. For site search or vertical search experience, you can subscribe to one of the S1 to S3 tiers along with this S4 Tier for a complete user experience.

This tier also offers higher transactions per second (TPS) limits.

Frequently asked questions

No, Bing Custom Search is curtailed to meet specific offering of each Tier. For example, Tier S3 is meant for customers wanting to utilize only custom web results and custom image results for their selected set of domains. The S3 Tier also offers statistics capabilities. The API response will differ depending on the endpoint called within a specific tier. Each endpoint has its own response schema.

Here are the different end-points:

  • Bing Custom Search (Custom Web Search end-point)
  • Bing Custom Search with Image Search feature (Custom Image Search end-point)

Tiers are priced based on the number of transactions. As an example, for Tier S3, the price per 1,000 transactions is $6 and for Tier S4, the price per 10,000 transactions is $4. At the end of the billing period, if 20,000 transactions are logged for the Tier S3 and 40,000 transactions are logged for the Tier S4, then the total will be $136 calculated as $6*(20,000/1,000) + $4*(40,000/10,000).

Statistics is offered as part of Tier S2 and Tier S3. Within 24 hours of doing a Bing Custom Search Web or Image API call using a Tier S2 or Tier S3 key, the charts in your authoring portal will start populating statistics. You can gather metrics such as call volume, top queries, API response code distribution, and market distribution amongst many others.

The Custom Autosuggest feature is offered as a separate tier than Tier S4. Custom Autosuggest can be purchased separately and can be incorporated to get auto suggestions for either S1, S2 or S3 Tiers. For example, if a customer wants to use S1 Tier and S4 tier, they will need to buy both the tiers separately and the billing will work as follows:

If in S1 Tier a customer has used a total of 3,000 transactions and in S4 tier if a customer has used a total of 40,000 transactions, then the total billing will be $28 calculated as $4*(3,000/1,000) + $4*(40,000/10,000).

On February 16, 2023, we announced a price change for all of the Bing Search APIs. The new prices went into effect on May 1, 2023. We periodically assess the value and pricing of our services to meet market demands and align the pricing of our products and services with customer consumption trends and preferences. The new pricing model reflects more accurately the technology investments Bing continues to make to improve Search.

Find what you’re looking for from the world-wide-web.

Learn more about Bing API’s from these resources.