Bing Spell Check API

Help users correct spellings, separate brand, people names and slang while typing.

Try Now

Try out the spell check capabilities with Bing Spell Search API v7

Switch between spell correction for web searches and proofing documents to return better search results. With the API v7, discover new improved error handling with capitalization, basic punctuation, and other features to make it easy to troubleshoot and diagnose any problem queries.

use the arrow keys to navigate through the pivots and tab to focus on focusable content inside a pivot section

Help your users to spell check their search query string before sending the search request.

Help your users validate their sentences or phrases.

Depiction of a highlight on a spell-check word break.

Word breaks

Correct word-breaking issues with a single flag.

Depiction of a high-light on a slang phrase.


Easily recognize slang and informal language.

Depiction of a high-light on a naming error.


Spot common name errors in context.

Depiction of a high-light on a homonym.


Fix homonyms and other hard-to-spot errors in context.

Depiction of a high-light on a coined phrase.


Provide support for new brands and other coined expressions as they emerge.

Illustration of charts and reports on a laptop screen.

Bing statistics add-in

Inform your strategic decisions with the Bing Statistics add-in. Quickly retrieve statistics such as your top queries, call volume, market distribution, response code summary, and many more.

Ready to take the next step?

Explore the Bing Spell Check API v7

Find what you’re looking for from the world-wide-web

Learn more about Bing API’s from these resources