Daniel S. Berger的肖像

Daniel S. Berger

Senior Researcher


I am a researcher in the Azure Systems Research Group (opens in new tab) in Redmond. My main research interests are efficiency, sustainability, and reliability of cloud platforms. My recent focus has been the systems stack for sustainability with a particular focus on memory (opens in new tab), repair operations (opens in new tab), and cooling (opens in new tab) (Zissou). My toolset spans system prototyping, simulation, statistical modeling and learning, and telemetry at cloud scale.

Recent work:

Within Microsoft I am collaborating across Azure including hardware and OS development. Outside of Microsoft, I am an affiliate assistant professor at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science at the University of Washington (opens in new tab) where I teach graduate classes (opens in new tab). I am fortunate to be working closely with a bright group of PhD students, postdocs, and their mentors, including:

To contact me for Microsoft collaborations, my alias is firstname “dot” secondname under the Microsoft domain.