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Microsoft Research Summit 2021 • Videos

Panel: Perspectives on the new future of hybrid meetings

Hybrid meetings—meetings in which there is a mix of remote and in-person participants—aren’t a new phenomenon, but the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought their opportunities and challenges to center stage. The Microsoft approach to hybrid meetings is informed by our long history of videoconferencing and workplace research, especially social successes and failures and technical configurations, as well as what we have learned during the pandemic. However, it is also clear now that current systems were not ready for hybrid to be the primary meeting modality. It’s also come to light that the future of hybrid meetings—including those in future mixed and virtual reality technologies—will need to reconsider each remote and local room participant’s perspective on the meeting as unique. In this session, a panel of Microsoft and external researchers, along with Microsoft Teams developers, will explore the nature of perspective in hybrid meeting technologies.

Learn more about the 2021 Microsoft Research Summit: (opens in new tab)

New Future of Work
Sean Rintel, Shiraz Cupala, Abigail Sellen, John Tang, Jaime Teevan, Carman Neustaedter
Microsoft Research Cambridge, Microsoft, Microsoft Research Cambridge, Microsoft, Microsoft Research, Simon Fraser University

New Future of Work