New Orleans, LA, USA | 2019年10月
The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) is the premier forum for innovations in human-computer interfaces. UIST brings together people from diverse areas including graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality,…
Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 2018年12月
Microsoft is excited to be a Diamond sponsor of the thirty-second annual conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). Over 130 of our researchers are involved in spotlight sessions, presentations, symposiums, posters, accepted papers, and workshops at NIPS. Stop by…
Sydney, Australia | 2017年8月
The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is the leading international machine learning conference. Click here to learn more. Program committee members Alekh Agarwal (Microsoft Research) Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research) Lihong Li (Microsoft Research) Pushmeet Kohli (Microsoft Research) Ryota Tomioka…