Siân Lindley的肖像

Siân Lindley

Senior Principal Research Manager


I lead the Collaborative Intelligence group at Microsoft Research in Cambridge. As a group, we focus on how rapidly advancing ML-powered experiences can be designed in ways that augment and develop human capability, enable interconnectedness and collaboration, and support diverse needs and ways of working.

My key areas of interest are human-AI collaboration, content reuse and remix, and cross-application workflows. While knowledge work is the primary focus for my research, I am also interested in front-line work. Whilst at Microsoft I have also studied digital possessions (you can find out more by watching my TEDx talk), web use, technology for older adults, wearable cameras, messaging devices, and situated displays. I have a PhD in Psychology from the University of York and an MSc in Human-Centred Computing Systems from the University of Sussex. I was a Lecturer at UCL before joining Microsoft in 2007.
