Matthias Troyer的肖像

Matthias Troyer

Technical Fellow and Corporate Vice President of Quantum



Dr. Matthias Troyer is accountable for architecting Microsoft’s quantum computer and applications. His work at Microsoft is focused on accelerating scientific discovery globally by bringing to bear the benefits of a scaled, fault tolerant quantum system to the world ins secure and responsible ways. He received his PhD from ETH Zurich in Switzerland in 1994. Afterwards, he spent time as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Tokyo, then returned to ETH Zurich as a Computational Physics professor. He joined Microsoft in 2017. Dr. Troyer is also a Fellow of the American Physical Society and President of the Aspen Center for Physics. He is the recipient of the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics and the Rahman Prize for Computational Physics of the American Physical Society “… for pioneering numerical work in many seemingly intractable areas of quantum… physics and for providing efficient sophisticated computer codes to the community.”