David Van Woerkom的肖像

David Van Woerkom

Qubit Engineer


Since the age of 13 I knew I want to become a researcher, it was that day that I entered for the first time a physics classroom, my life goal was determined.

During my master study at the Delft University of Technology start to learn about topology and the great potential it has for quantum computing and thus for society. I had the great opportunity to stay at the same reseach group and continue the work during a PhD. I started by working on increasing the mobility in InSb nanowires. After that, I investigated superconducting islands of NbTiN and observed for the first time parity effects in this disorder superconductor. To continue with nanowires, I made Josepshon junctions out of InAs/Al nanowires and study these with on-chip microwave spectroscopy. We measured and reported gate controlled Andreev bound states, while applying magnetic field spin-resolved states were observed. With minor adjustments we measured Josephson radiation from these nanowires with hints of topological effects when magnetic field was applied.

After my PhD, I moved to Switzerland to work in the lab of Prof. Andreas Wallraff at ETH Zurich. Here, I started to manipulate a GaAs charge qubit with microwaves and performing read-out with SQUID-array resonators. These SQUID resonators we also used to coupled two distant charge qubits and a charge qubit to a superconducting Transmon qubit.

Since nov 2018 I am working again with Leo Kouwenhoven to realize a topological qubit.

Field of Expertise – Majorana zero energy states, semiconductor/superconductor hybrid devices, InSb, InAs, GaAs, circuit quantum electrodynamics, cleanroom fabrication

2005 – 2009 The Hague University, The Netherlands – Bachelor of engineering in applied physics – Thesis project at VSL lab in Delft Netherlands
2009 – 2012 Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands – Master of science in applied physics – Thesis project in Quantum transport group under supervision of Prof. Leo Kouwenhoven
2012 – 2016 Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands – Doctor of Philosophy – Thesis: Semiconductor nanowire Josephson junction under supervision of Prof. Leo Kouwenhoven
2017 – 2018 ETH Zurich, Switzerland – Postdoctoral researcher – Circuit quantum electrodynamics with GaAs charge qubits under supervision of Prof. Andreas Wallraff