Chang Liu的肖像

Chang Liu

Senior Researcher


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Dr. Chang Liu is currently a senior researcher at Microsoft Research AI for Science (opens in new tab) (Asia) (科学智能中心 (opens in new tab)). Before that, he was in Microsoft Research Asia (opens in new tab), Machine Learning Group (opens in new tab). He received my Ph.D. degree (cum laude) in 2019 from the TSAIL Group (opens in new tab) at the Department of Computer Science and Technology (opens in new tab) of Tsinghua University (opens in new tab), supervised by Prof. Jun Zhu (opens in new tab). He received my B.Sc. degree in 2014 from the Department of Physics (opens in new tab) of Tsinghua University (opens in new tab). He also visited Prof. Lawrence Carin’s group (opens in new tab) at Duke University (opens in new tab) from Oct. 2017 to Oct. 2018.

Dr. Liu’s research interest focuses on machine learning, including sampling methods (mainly in the context of Bayesian inference; e.g., variational inference, MCMC), generative models (e.g., diffusion models), and AI methods for molecular science problems (e.g., electronic structure, molecular dynamics, statistical mechanics). He has a publication record on top-tier conferences and journals, including ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, Nat. Comput. Sci., and Nat. Mach. Intell. He has served as reviewer and area chair for major AI conferences, including ICML, NeurIPS, and ICLR.