Beibei Shi的肖像

Beibei Shi

Senior Research PM


Beibei Shi is senior research program manager at Microsoft Research Asia, taking the responsibility of MSR Asia Open Collaborative Research Program and StarTrack Program, as well as university relations between MSR Asia and universities in Central China, South China, China Hongkong and Taiwan. Besides, she takes the responsibility of the strategic cooperation between Microsoft Research Asia and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. She focuses on the research theme of Resilience and Trust, has successfully led several open collaborative research sub-themes establishment with related MSR Asia research team, such as AIER Platform, OpenNetLab, Computing for Carbon Negative and Responsible AI.

Before joined MSR Asia, she joined IBM Research China Institute as a researcher in the cross field of environment and computer, after earned master’s degree in environmental science school of China Agricultural University in 2019. Then, she joined the University Partnership Department of IBM China as a program manager. During that period, she participated to design and led to execute industry-academic cooperative research program “green horizon plan”, making very solid contribution to technology innovation of air pollution control.