
Computing in the 21st Century 2016


地点: Seoul, Republic of Korea

Time Session Speaker
09:00-09:15 Opening Speech 21ccc-yong-hak-kim Yong-Hak Kim

President, Yonsei University

09:15-10:00 Chasing the Next Big Thing: Why Top Companies are Betting on Research

[Full Video (opens in new tab)]

21ccc-peter-lee Peter Lee

Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research NExT
Fellow of ACM

10:00-10:45 IoT: The Insecurity of Things 21ccc-adi-shamir Adi Shamir

Professor, Computer Science Department, Weizmann Institute of Science
2002 Turing Award Recipient

10:45-11:30 Learning at Scale as a Driver of Innovation

[Full Video (opens in new tab)]

21ccc-marti-a-hearst Marti A. Hearst

Professor, School of Information and EECS Department, UC Berkeley
Fellow of ACM

11:30-12:00 Q&A with Keynote Speakers
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-13:45 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Award Ceremony
13:45-14:30 A Science of Cyber – Security?

[Full Video (opens in new tab)]

21ccc-fred-schneider Fred Schneider

Samuel B. Eckert Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
Fellow of ACM, Fellow of IEEE

14:30-15:15 Democratizing Urban Data Analysis

[Full Video (opens in new tab)]

21ccc-juliana-freire Juliana Freire

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering and Data Science, New York University
Fellow of ACM

15:15-16:00 Co-Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence

[Full Video (opens in new tab)]

21ccc-hon Hsiao-Wuen Hon

Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Asia-Pacific R&D Group and Microsoft Research Asia
Fellow of IEEE

16:00-16:30 Q&A with Keynote Speakers
16:30-17:15 Panel – Engaging with AI: How Human and Machine can Work Together to Shape the Future

[Full Video (opens in new tab)]

21ccc-baining-guo Baining Guo

Assistant Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia
Fellow of ACM, Fellow of IEEE

21ccc-seong-whan-lee Seong-Whan Lee

President, Korea AI Society
Professor, Korea University
Fellow of IEEE

21ccc-jin-hyung-kim Jin Hyung Kim

CEO, AIRI (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute)
Professor Emeritus, KAIST Computer Science Department
Chairman, Korea National Open Data Strategy Council

21ccc-seung-won-hwang Seung-won Hwang

Professor, Yonsei University

21ccc-hideyuki-tokuda Hideyuki Tokuda

Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance / Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University