You can download selected sections of the 1999 Annual Report as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word files.  If you don't have Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word installed, get the free viewers here.

Microsoft Word™ downloads

Entire 1999 Annual Report 640 Kb
Bill Gates Shareholder Letter 80 Kb
Management's Discussion and Analysis 128 Kb
Notes to Financial Statements 113 Kb


Microsoft Excel™ downloads

Income Statements 38 Kb
Cash Flows Statements 30 Kb
Balance Sheets 38 Kb

Financial History Fiscal Year:
FY 1985 through FY 1999

34 Kb

Financial History Quarterly:
Q85-1 through Q99-4

39 Kb

Financial History Trailing Four Quarters:
Q85-4 through Q99-4

32 Kb
Australian Alternate Income Statement 25Kb
Canadian Alternate Income Statment 29Kb
German Alternate Income Statement 29Kb
French Alternate Income Statement 27Kb
Japanese Alternate Income Statment 54Kb
United Kingdom Alternate Income Statment 50Kb



Last updated May 28, 2010

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