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    Immersive Reading: Supporting Student Focus through Read-alouds

    No one person engages in learning the same way. Schools are made up of diverse communities of students, all of whom deserve access to an equitable education – including best-in-class learning solutions and technologies. Some students have specialized learning needs and benefit from accessible options like translation in a home language or hearing a text read at a slower speed. When learning environments are created to address and support the unique needs of all students, equity becomes possible. Tools that give students an easy way to have texts of all kinds read aloud and offer customizable reading preferences can help limit reading distractions and help readers focus.

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    CEWA Building Collaborative Teaching Communities Whitepaper

    How to build online collabotive professional learning commnities at scale


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    Série de vidéos YouCan

    Cette série de vidéos comprend :90 vidéos « Comment faire » basées sur vos conseils et astuces les plus demandés en utilisant la technologie de Microsoft Education dans l’éducation.


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    Leveling the playing field with Microsoft Learning Tools Whitepaper

    Microsoft Learning Tools is useful for enhancing reading and writing instruction and learning


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    Centre Microsoft Learn Educator

    Bienvenue dans le nouveau Centre de formation Microsoft, où vous pouvez consulter le contenu le plus récent, sélectionner des cours et des parcours d’apprentissage.


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    Staff of 2030

    Learn how the role of teachers is expected to change by 2030, which values teachers will bring with them, and how they can best equip students to thrive.


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    Predictive Analytics eBook

    Learn about tools that help streamline low-impact tasks so teachers can dedicate more attention to highimpact, student-focused work.


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    Empowering Students to Be Agents of Their Own Learning

    Each day teachers work tirelessly to prepare students for a future full of varied demands and challenges. In response to these challenges and opportunities, employers and educators have developed important skills-based programs to assist young people in gaining evergreen skills for the workplace of the future. Communication skills, including public speaking, are essential for career and workplace readiness. To become strong communicators, students must have multiple opportunities to practice while receiving meaningful feedback. Microsoft Speaker Coach provides real-time feedback in addition to an analytical report that can meaningfully improve a student’s presentation and speaking skills.

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    How Minecraft Supports Social and Emotional Learning in K-12 Education

    How are teachers supporting students' SEL growth by incorporating gaming into their lessons via Micecraft Education Edition?


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    Educator & Leader Development

    Enabling education transformation through professional development of teachers and leaders


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    Accelerating Learning with Workplace Math Skills

    Math Assistant in Microsoft OneNote empowers students to access and engage with mathematical content and concepts in more personalized ways. With built-in process explanations and Immersive Reader, students can access the instruction that they need when they need it and in their preferred format and language. Math Assistant offers a more comprehensive and accessible solution that helps students become expert learners.

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    Technology Blueprint for Distance Learning

    A Guide for Implementing Remote Learning in Education Systems


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