Working Towards a Plural Public via Common Knowledge and Designated Verifier Proofs

Often cited virtues of blockchains are immutability, transparency, decentralization, openness, and trustlessness. Many also think of their most natural applications as financial. Yet a critical affordance of such systems is often missed: the way they are uniquely suited to facilitate cooperation. Here I show how via CK and DVPs.

Speaker(s): Shrey Jain
Skill level: Intermediate
Track: Governance & Coordination
Keywords: Coordination,Non-Financial,Social

Devcon is the Ethereum conference for developers, researchers, thinkers, and makers.
Devcon 6 was held in Bogotá, Colombia on Oct 11 – 14, 2022.
Devcon is organized and presented by the Ethereum Foundation, with the support of our sponsors. To find out more, please visit

Speaker Details

Shrey Jain is a Researcher at Microsoft’s Decentralized Social Technology Collaboratory. Shrey’s work lies at the intersections of applied cryptography, game theory, and machine learning to produce new social data structures necessary for improved human coordination.

Shrey Jain