The Azure Cognitive Services on Spark: Clusters with Embedded Intelligent Services | Spark Summit Europe 2018

We present the Azure Cognitive Services on Spark, a simple and easy to use extension of the SparkML Library to all Azure Cognitive Services. This integration allows Spark Users to embed cloud intelligence directly into their spark computations, enabling a new generation of intelligent applications on Spark. Furthermore, we show that with our new Containerized Cognitive Services, one can embed cloud intelligence directly into the Spark cluster for ultra-low latency, on-prem, and offline applications. We show how using our Integration, one can compose these cognitive services with other services, SQL computations, and Deep Networks to create sophisticated and intelligent heterogenous applications. Moreover, we show how to redeploy these compositions as Restful Services with Spark Serving. We will also explore the architecture of these contributions which leverage HTTP on Spark, a novel integration between Spark with the widely used Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This library can integrate any framework into the Spark ecosystem that is capable of communicating through HTTP. Finally, we demonstrate how to use these services to create a large class of intelligent applications such as custom search engines, realtime facial recognition systems, and unsupervised object detectors.

Databricks provides a unified data analytics platform (opens in new tab), powered by Apache Spark™, that accelerates innovation by unifying data science, engineering and business.

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