Project Conversation Learner: Democratizing AI for Bot Development
Project Conversation Learner aims to revolutionize the way task-oriented bots are built, by applying the tenets of machine teaching to empower non-developers to create and maintain task-oriented bots. By leveraging machine learning models to drive conversations, researchers from Microsoft Research abstracted building a bot—from coding a set of rules to simply providing a set of example interactions.
To realize this vision, the team first introduced Hybrid Code Networks (HCNs), which combine an RNN with domain-specific knowledge, and which demonstrate the capability of the system on an industry-standard sample data set. Later, by collaborating with product and customer-facing teams, we created a customer-ready SDK and shipped it through a pre-preview release channel.
- 日期:
- 演讲者:
- Swadheen Shukla
- 所属机构:
- Microsoft Research AI
Swadheen Shukla
Principal Program Manager
系列: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit
Quantum Computing and Workforce, Curriculum, and Application Development: Case study
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- Martin Roetteler
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- Vani Mandava
Empowering People to Achieve More: How Useful a Concept is Productivity?
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Productivity in Software Development
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- Margaret-Anne Storey,
- Prem Kumar Devanbu
Accessible Virtual Reality
Speakers:- Eyal Ofek
- A Virtual Meeting Scheduling Assistant
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Visual Studio IntelliCode
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Microsoft Teams: Collaborate with Any Researcher Anywhere
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Project Alava: Programming Webs of Microcontrollers
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- Teddy Seyed
AI in PowerPoint
Speakers:- Kostas Seleskerov