Microsoft Research New England 10th Anniversary Symposium – Closing Remarks

Senior Researcher Nicole Immorlica and Managing Director Jennifer Chayes offer closing remarks for Microsoft Research New England 10th Anniversary Symposium.

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Jennifer Tour Chayes is Managing Director of Microsoft Research New York City as well as the Microsoft Research New England lab in Cambridge. Before this, she was research area manager for Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Cryptography at Microsoft Research Redmond. Chayes joined Microsoft Research in 1997, when she co-founded the Theory Group. Her research areas include phase transitions in discrete mathematics and computer science, structural and dynamical properties of self-engineered networks, and algorithmic game theory. She is the co-author of almost 100 scientific papers and the co-inventor of more than 20 patents.
Nicole Immorlica; Jennifer Chayes
Microsoft Research New England lab in Cambridge

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