Leading Edge of the Cloud

Leading Edge of the Cloud

Moderator: Kenji Takeda, Microsoft Research

Data Center Design Issues

David Gauthier, Microsoft


Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research

Thoughts on Cloud Networking

Albert Greenberg, Microsoft

The Leading Edge for eScience

Jonathan Goldstein, Microsoft Research


Victor Bahl is a Principal Researcher and the Manager of the Mobility & Networking Research (MNR) Group. MNR’s mission is to invent & research technologies that make Microsoft’s networks, services and devices indispensable to the world. The group focuses on basic and applied research in all areas related to networked systems and mobile computing with emphasis on inter-disciplinary research. Researchers collaborate to work on hard problems, build proof-of-concept systems, engage with academia, publish scientific papers, publish software for the research community, and transfer cutting-edge technologies to Microsoft’s product divisions. Prior to MNR, Victor founded the Networking Research Group and served as its manager for 9 years. He continues to help shape Microsoft’s long-term vision related to networking technologies through research and associated policy engagement with governments and research institutions around the world. His personal research span a variety of topics in mobile computing, wireless systems design, cloud services and datacenter / enterprise networking & management. He has built and deployed several seminal and highly cited networked systems, with over 20,000 citations; he has authored 120 peer-reviewed papers and 99 patents; he has won best paper awards at MobiSys, SIGCOMM and CoNext and has delivered over 30 keynote & plenary talks; he is the founder and past Chairperson of ACM SIGMOBILE, the founder and steering committee chair of the MobiSys; and the founder and past Editor-in-Chief of ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review. He has served as the General Chair of several ACM and IEEE conferences including SIGCOMM, MobiCom, DySPAN, ISWC and ISWCS, and is serving on the steering committees of seven IEEE & ACM conferences & workshop, several of which he co-founded. He has served as the chair of ACM’s Outstanding Contributions Award committee on mobility for sixteen years. on the board of over half-a-dozen journals; on several NSF, NRC and FCC panels, and on over six dozen program committees. Dr. Bahl has been IEEE Communications Society’s Distinguished Lecturer (2007-09) and ACM’s Distinguished Speaker (2007-10). He received Digital’s Doctoral Engineering Fellowship Award in 1995 and SIGMOBILE’s Distinguished Service Award in 2001. In 2004, Microsoft nominated him for the innovator of the year award. He received Microsoft’s Individual Performance Award, given to the highest performing employees in 2007, 2010 & 2011. He became an ACM Fellow in 2003, an IEEE Fellow in 2008 and a AAAS Fellow in 2010. Also in 2010 he received the IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Engineer Award, and in 2011 the FCC Open Internet App. and the FCC People’s Choice App Awards. In 2012 he was honored as a Distinguished Alumni of UMASS Amherst and in 2013 he received SIGMOBILE’s Outstanding Contributions Award.

When not working, Victor loves to read, travel, eat in fine restaurants, watch competitive sports and action movies, and spend time drinking with friends and family.

Albert Greenberg is an AT&T Fellow (awarded in 2002 for ground breaking research in IP traffic measurement and network management tools) and the Director of Network Measurement and Engineering Research at AT&T Labs-Research. His current research interests focus on IP networks, as well as IP/Optical network integration. Albert’s recent research includes: novel methods for packet and flow measurement and analysis, traffic matrix inference, anomaly detection, configuration management, IP/MPLS control plane monitoring, MPLS/GMPLS control and management, IP traffic and network engineering, IP fault management and troubleshooting, new route control architectures, database and systems applications, and network security. The research and underlying methodology spans: measurement and engineering of large complex, operational networks and computer systems, modeling, performance analysis, simulation, and statistical inference. Earlier in his career Albert worked in the areas of multiple access channels, Computer Science theory, applied probability, computer engineering and scheduling, wireless and satellite networks, massively parallel computation, and parallel simulation. Albert’s education includes a BA from Dartmouth College in Mathematics (1978, with Honors, Magna Cum Laude), and MS and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington (1981, 1983). In 2005, Albert became Chair of ACM Sigmetrics. In 2004, Albert was awarded AT&T’s Science and Technology Medal for technical innovation in IP network monitoring and management.

David Gauthier, Victor Bahl, Albert Greenberg, and Jonathan Goldstein
