Keynote: Data-Driven Computing

Chair: Jaime Puente, Microsoft Research Speaker: Tony Hey, Vice President, Microsoft Research

The term ubiquitous computing, and the rich research it engenders, has been with us for many years. Today we are seeing the results of that research in our daily lives with our smart phones becoming our necessary partner, smart homes, smart appliances, on-demand entertainment streaming and information at our fingertips. Behind all this is rich integration with computing that is increasingly executed in the cloud. And that execution is dependent on data. This presentation reviews how data lies beneath the “smart” in our devices today and defines some key data-driven research opportunities.


As vice president in Microsoft Research, Tony Hey is responsible for worldwide university research collaborations with Microsoft researchers. Hey is also responsible for the multidisciplinary eScience Research Group within Microsoft Research. Prior to joining Microsoft, Hey served as director of the U.K.’s e-Science Initiative, managing the government’s efforts to build a new scientific infrastructure for collaborative, multidisciplinary, data-intensive research projects. Before leading this initiative, Hey led a research group in the area of parallel computing and was Head of the School of Electronics and Computer Science, and Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Southampton.

Hey is a fellow of the U.K.’s Royal Academy of Engineering and was awarded a CBE for services to science in 2005. He is also a fellow of the British Computer Society, the Institute of Engineering and Technology, the Institute of Physics, and the U.S. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Tony Hey has written books on particle physics and computing and has a passionate interest in communicating the excitement of science and technology to young people. He has co-authored “popular” books on quantum mechanics and on relativity.

Tony Hey