Graph Drawing 2012 Day 1 – Session 2

11:10 – 12:30 Session 2
Topics By
M. Klimenta and U. Brandes
M. J. Bannister, D. Eppstein, M. T. Goodrich, and L. Trott
T. Bruckdorfer, S. Cornelsen, C. Gutwenger, M. Kaufmann, F. Montecchiani, M. Nöllenburg, and A. Wolff
P. Angelini, M. Di Bartolomeo, and G. Di Battista

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

Ulrik Brandes, Lowell Trott, Till Bruckdorfer, and Marco Di Bartolomeo
University of Konstanz, University of California, Irvine, University of Tubingen, Università Roma Tre