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Microsoft Research Summit 2021 • Videos

Fireside chat: The future of medicines and innovation

“Medicine is an exercise of the imagination.” In this fireside chat, we are honored to be speaking with Michael Rosenblatt to discuss the importance of imagination and invention in healthcare, science, and medicine while underscoring the criticality of collaboration and partnership throughout the process. Our guest serves as the Chief Medical Officer and Senior Partner for Flagship Pioneering, a life science bioplatforms firm focused on improving the human condition by building companies that transform human health and sustainability. His rich background spans both medicine and R&D as a distinguished clinician, academic, and biopharmaceutical industry leader working on breakthrough medicine and vaccines (including Merck’s Keytruda, one of the world’s leading immuno-oncology therapeutics), and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. He will share his perspective on how the paradigm for developing and evaluating interventions for therapies and vaccines is rapidly shifting and the untapped opportunity he sees for technological advances in science and medicine.

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Health & Life Sciences: Discovery
Junaid Bajwa, Mike Rosenblatt
Microsoft Research Cambridge, Flagship Pioneering

Health & Life Sciences: Discovery