Faculty Summit 2016 – The BBC micro:bit
The BBC micro:bit is a wearable and programmable device that visibly features a 5×5 LED display, accelerometer, compass, buttons, I/O pins, Micro USB plug, Bluetooth Low Energy antenna, ARM Cortex-M0 processor, and battery plug. The first wave of micro:bits landed in the UK this spring, with every Year 7 student in the UK receiving one, for free. Microsoft Research has been working on the hardware and software technology behind the BBC micro:bit. We also have been working with academics and others in Microsoft to explore how to make use of the BBC micro:bit in CS and STEM education in the United States. Come hear about the BBC micro:bit and what it means for teachers and students in the US.
Chair: Tom Ball, Microsoft Research | slides
- Joe Finney, Lancaster University | slides
- Ben Shapiro, University of Colorado | slides
- 日期:
- 演讲者:
- Thomas Ball, Joe Finney, Benjamin Shapiro
- 所属机构:
- Microsoft, Lancaster University, University of Colorado-Boulder
Steve Hodges
Senior Principal Researcher
Thomas Ball
Partner Researcher
系列: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit
Quantum Computing and Workforce, Curriculum, and Application Development: Case study
Speakers:- Krysta M. Svore,
- Martin Roetteler
Crowd, Cloud and the Future of Work: Updates from human AI computation
Speakers:- Besmira Nushi,
- Vani Mandava
Empowering People to Achieve More: How Useful a Concept is Productivity?
Speakers:- Brendan Murphy
Productivity in Software Development
Speakers:- Neel Sundaresan,
- Margaret-Anne Storey,
- Prem Kumar Devanbu
Accessible Virtual Reality
Speakers:- Eyal Ofek
Calendar.help: A Virtual Meeting Scheduling Assistant
Speakers:- Pamela Bhattacharya
Visual Studio IntelliCode
Speakers:- Mark Wilson-Thomas
Microsoft Teams: Collaborate with Any Researcher Anywhere
Speakers:- Jethro Seghers
Project Alava: Programming Webs of Microcontrollers
Speakers:- James Devine,
- Teddy Seyed
AI in PowerPoint
Speakers:- Kostas Seleskerov