Interpretable and Explainable Machine Learning for Materials Science and Chemistry

ACS Publications |


Machine learning has become a common and powerful tool in materials research. As more data becomes available, with the use of high-performance computing and high-throughput experimentation, machine learning has proven potential to accelerate scientific research and technology development. Though the uptake of data-driven approaches for materials science is at an exciting, early stage, to realize the true potential of machine learning models for successful scientific discovery, they must have qualities beyond purely predictive power. The predictions and inner workings of models should provide a certain degree of explainability by human experts, permitting the identification of potential model issues or limitations, building trust in model predictions, and unveiling unexpected correlations that may lead to scientific insights. In this work, we summarize applications of interpretability and explainability techniques for materials science and chemistry and discuss how these techniques can improve the outcome of scientific studies. We start by defining the fundamental concepts of interpretability and explainability in machine learning and making them less abstract by providing examples in the field. By providing concrete examples of studies (many with associated open source code and data), we hope that this Account will encourage all practitioners of machine learning in materials science to look deeper into their models.