Constrained Convolutional-recurrent Networks to Improve Speech Quality with Low Impact on Recognition Accuracy
- Rasool Fakoor ,
- Xiaodong He ,
- Ivan Tashev ,
- Shuayb Zarar
IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) |
For a speech-enhancement algorithm, it is highly desirable to simultaneously improve perceptual quality and recognition rate. Thanks to limitation on the cost functions, it is challenging to train a model that effectively optimizes both metrics at the same time. In this paper, we propose a method for speech enhancement that combines local and global contextual structures information through convolutional-recurrent neural networks that improves perceptual quality. At the same time, we introduce a new constraint on the objective function using a language model/decoder that limits the impact on recognition rate. Based on experiments conducted with real user data, we demonstrate that our new context-augmented machine learning approach for speech enhancement improves PESQ and WER by an additional 24:5% and 51:3%, respectively, when compared to the best-performing methods in the literature.
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