AppGen: Interactive Material Modeling from a Single Image
- Yue Dong ,
- Xin Tong ,
- Fabio Pellacini ,
- Baining Guo
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 | , Vol 30
We present AppGen, an interactive system for modeling materials from a single image. Given a texture image of a nearly planar surface lit with directional lighting, our system models the detailed spatially-varying reflectance properties (diffuse, specular and roughness) and surface normal variations with minimal user interaction. We ask users to indicate global shading and reflectance information by roughly marking the image with a few user strokes, while our system assigns reflectance properties and normals to each pixel. We first interactively decompose the input image into the product of a diffuse albedo map and a shading map. A two-scale normal reconstruction algorithm is then introduced to recover the normal variations from the shading map and preserve the geometric features at different scales. We finally assign the specular parameters to each pixel guided by user strokes and the diffuse albedo. Our system generates convincing results within minutes of interaction and works well for a variety of material types that exhibit different reflectance and normal variations, including natural surfaces and man-made ones.
AppGen: Interactive Material Modeling from a Single Image
We present AppGen, an interactive system for modeling materials from a single image. Given a texture image of a nearly planar surface lit with directional lighting, our system models the detailed spatially-varying reflectance properties (diffuse, specular and roughness) and surface normal variations with minimal user interaction. We ask users to indicate global shading and reflectance information by roughly marking the image with a few user strokes, while our system assigns reflectance properties and normals to each pixel. We first interactively decompose the input image into the product of a diffuse albedo map and a shading map. A two-scale normal reconstruction algorithm is then introduced to recover the normal variations from the shading map and preserve the geometric features at different scales. We finally assign the…