News & features
Password Monitor: Safeguarding passwords in Microsoft Edge
| Kristin Lauter, Sreekanth Kannepalli, Kim Laine, and Radames Cruz Moreno
One of the biggest pillars for Microsoft Edge is trust. Today, to further bolster that trust while keeping our customers safe, we introduce a new feature called Password Monitor. The feature notifies users if any of their saved passwords have…
In addition to bug fixes and minor performance improvements, we are happy to announce that Microsoft SEAL 3.2.0 comes with full .NET Standard wrappers for the public API, which will hugely simplify the work of .NET developers writing homomorphic encryption…
In addition to the license change, this release brings many internal and a few API updates.
Microsoft SEAL open source homomorphic encryption library gets even better for .NET developers!
| Kristin Lauter, Kim Laine, Hamed Khanpour, and Ester de Nicolas
Since its open-source release on December 3rd 2018, Microsoft SEAL has become one of the world’s most popular homomorphic encryption libraries and has been adopted by security and privacy professionals world-wide in both academia and industry. Thanks to the fact…
In the news |
Microsoft Open-Sources Its SEAL Encryption Technology Allowing Computations on Encrypted Data
Microsoft has released its easy-to-use Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (SEAL) for free use, and financial institutions are among the types of companies that can benefit most from this type of security.
In the news | IT Toolbox
Intel, Microsoft Push Homomorphic Encryption with Open-Source Moves
Microsoft’s SEAL was unveiled in 2015 and was written in standard C++ programming language, working on Windows, Linux and OS X. It incorporates both the Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV) and the Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) encryption schemes.
In the news | Computer Business Review
Microsoft Open Sources Homomorphic Encryption Library SEAL
Microsoft’s Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (SEAL) has already been adopted by Intel to implement the underlying cryptography functions in its neural network compiler nGraph.
In the news | The Register
SEAL up your data just like Microsoft: Redmond open-sources ‘simple’ homomorphic encryption blueprints
To accelerate the standardisation of homomorphic encryption, Microsoft has open sourced its ‘Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library.’ Homomorphic encryption is designed to better protect Internet-facing databases.
In the news | Packt
Microsoft open sources (SEAL) Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library 3.1.0, with aims to standardize homomorphic encryption
Yesterday, Microsoft with the goal to standardize homomorphic encryption, open sourced Microsoft Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (Microsoft SEAL) under the MIT License. It is an easy-to-use homomorphic encryption library developed by researchers in the Cryptography Research group at Microsoft.