Explore-Exploit Learning @MSR-NYC

成立时间:October 24, 2013

This is an umbrella project for machine learning with explore-exploit tradeoff: the trade-off between acquiring and using information. This is a mature, yet very active, research area studied in Machine Learning, Theoretical Computer Science, Operations Research, and Economics. Much of our activity focuses on “multi-armed bandits” and “contextual bandits”, relatively simple and yet very powerful models for explore-exploit tradeoff.

We are located in (or heavily collaborating with) Microsoft Research New York City. Most of us are involved in Multi-World Testing: an approach & system for contextual bandit learning.


Robert Schapire的肖像

Robert Schapire

Partner Researcher

Paul Mineiro的肖像

Paul Mineiro

Principal Data and Applied Scientist

Siddhartha Sen的肖像

Siddhartha Sen

Principal Researcher

Sarah Bird的肖像

Sarah Bird

Chief Product Officer of Responsible AI @ Microsoft

Alex Slivkins的肖像

Alex Slivkins

Senior Principal Researcher

Miro Dudík的肖像

Miro Dudík

Sr Principal Researcher Manager

John Langford的肖像

John Langford

Partner Researcher Manager

Markus Cozowicz的肖像

Markus Cozowicz

Senior Research Engineer