EmotoCouch: An exploration in interactive furniture

Établi : September 13, 2014

EmotoCouch is a prototype exploring how furniture could be augmented as part of a smart home. It uses lights, patterns, and haptics to explore possibilities for interactive furniture. Specifically, EmotoCouch was designed to explore how effectively furniture could convey a range of emotions to people around it.


We used the Circumplex model of emotion to identify six emotions to covey that span the range of valence and arousal (see below). Based on initial studies and the literature, we picked colours, patterns and haptic signals to represent them.


For more details on the working prototype and research findings, please refer to the video and publications listed below.


Portrait de A.J. Brush

A.J. Brush

Partner Group Program Manager

Portrait de Asta Roseway

Asta Roseway

Principal Research Designer / Fusionist

Portrait de James Scott

James Scott

Principal Program Manager

Portrait de Scott Saponas

Scott Saponas

Senior Director