CCF Hero

Confidential Consortium Framework

What is Confidential Consortium Framework (CCF)?

Confidential Consortium Framework (CCF) is an open-source framework for building highly available stateful services that leverage centralized compute for ease of use and performance, while providing decentralized trust. It enables multiple parties to execute auditable compute over confidential data without trusting each other or a privileged operator.

  • Governance: Transparent, programmable consortium-style proposal and voting based governance that supports enterprise operating models
  • Service Integrity: Hardware-backed integrity for application logic and data
  • Confidentiality & Privacy: All transactions are confidential by default
  • Performance: Database-like throughput, low latency, deterministic commits
  • Efficiency: Minimal execution overhead compared to traditional solutions
  • Resiliency: High availability and secure disaster recovery

CCF powers the Azure Managed Confidential Consortium and Azure Confidential Ledger services.

For those who are interested in CCF and would like to learn more about it, please visit our newly launched CCF website and our sample CCF applications. If you are interested in joining the Azure Managed Confidential Consortium Preview, please register here.

Read our blog post here: CCF: Bringing efficiency and usability to a decentralized trust model – Microsoft Research


Current Team

Portrait de Eddy Ashton

Eddy Ashton

Senior Research SDE

Portrait de Amaury Chamayou

Amaury Chamayou

Principal RSDE Manager

Portrait de Sylvan Clebsch

Sylvan Clebsch

Principal Research Software Development Engineer

Portrait de Antoine Delignat-Lavaud

Antoine Delignat-Lavaud

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Heidi Howard

Heidi Howard

Senior Researcher


Portrait de Manuel Costa

Manuel Costa

VP, Distinguished Engineer

Portrait de Matt Kerner

Matt Kerner

General Manager


Portrait de Mark Russinovich

Mark Russinovich

CTO, Technical Fellow

Microsoft Azure


Portrait de Dominic Ayre

Dominic Ayre

Research Software Engineer

Portrait de Mahati Chamarthy

Mahati Chamarthy

Senior Research Software Engineer

Portrait de Cédric Fournet

Cédric Fournet

Senior Principal Research Manager

Portrait de Sid Krishna

Sid Krishna

Principal Software Engineer


Portrait de Thomas Moscibroda

Thomas Moscibroda

Distinguished Engineer Azure Core Platform Capacity & Efficiency Microsoft Azure

Portrait de Takuro Sato

Takuro Sato

Research Software Engineer

Portrait de Brent Truell

Brent Truell

Principal Program Manager


Portrait de Shoko Ueda

Shoko Ueda

Program Manager

Portrait de Olga Vrousgou

Olga Vrousgou

Software Development Engineer