photo of a river winding through trees and grassland

Bosque Programming Language

Established: April 15, 2019


The Bosque Project is intended as a open and inclusive endeavor. Our  goals are  producing intellectual research impact and open-source artifacts that are useful both standalone and that bring value to the wider community. Thus, Bosque is run as an open project, with both code (opens in new tab) and papers (opens in new tab), hosted on GitHub.

We also want to highlight a number of projects that we are actively working (or planning) on integration with:

  • The Morphir (opens in new tab) framework from Morgan Stanley is a multi-language system for building high-reliability services with and emphasis turning business logic into well structured and reliable systems. We are starting work (opens in new tab) to add Bosque as a language to support their vision and enable the development of web services in Bosque.
  •  Ambrosia (opens in new tab) is a Microsoft Research project into building high resiliency applications using novel ultra-low overhead serialization, logging, and recovery protocols. Many of the features of Bosque, such a full determinization and limited native I/O, make it an ideal language for integration with Ambrosia.
  • F* (opens in new tab) and HACL* (opens in new tab) are projects from Microsoft Research into verified programming and high assurance cryptography. In the longer term we believe implementing our trusted core libraries in F* is possible (and have done some prototype work) and in the short term we are working to use verified implementations, from HACL*, for Bosque’s cryptographic functionality.

This project welcomes contributions including, issues, comments, pull requests and research based on or enhancing the Bosque language.