
成立时间:April 17, 2015

The proliferation of connected devices can in theory enable a range of applications that make rich inferences about users and their environment. But in practice developing such applications today is arduous because they are constructed as monolithic silos, tightly coupled to sensing devices, and must implement all sensing & inference logic, even as devices move or are temporarily disconnected. Our goal is to break down restrictive device-application silos and simplify app development.

Bam achieve this goal using two approaches (addressed in the following sub-projects):

  1. Bolt decouples applications from specific devices by using data streams. Bolt is a datastore for securely and efficiently sharing data across applications for connected devices.
  2. Beam, a framework and runtime for distributed inference-driven applications. Beam decouples inference logic from other functionality allowing applications to specify “what should be sensed or inferred,” without worrying about “how it is sensed or inferred.”

Bolt and Beam integrate with HomeOS (opens in new tab) and Lab of Things (opens in new tab).