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Awards | ACM
Four Microsoft researchers named as 2021 ACM Fellows
Four Microsoft researchers were among those honored for 2021: Nikolaj Bjorner, Tie-Yan Liu, Ryen White, and Tom Zimmermann. ACM Fellows includes the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to…
The CAV award is given annually at the CAV conference for fundamental contributions to the field of Computer-Aided Verification. In this nomination, CAV proposed to recognize contributors whose pioneering works laid the groundwork for the theory and practice of SMT. …
Awards | International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE)
Nikolaj Bjorner and Leonardo de Moura receive Herbrand Award 2019
Nikolaj Bjorner and Leonardo de Moura received the Herbrand Award 2019 for their exceptional and numerous contributions with Z3 to SMT solving, including theory, implementation, and application to a wide range of academic and industrial needs.
Awards | Association for Computing Machinery
Nikolaj Bjørner, Leonardo de Moura, and Christoph Wintersteiger win SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award
Microsoft Research’s Z3 theorem prover received the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award. This prestigious award honors an institution or individuals for “developing a software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial…