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In the news | NewsPicks
[Interview] Taking a Peek at Microsoft’s “Green Research Initiative”
(Linked article in Japanese) Microsoft has launched a research initiative to look at ways of leveraging AI to tackle climate change. Tech giant Microsoft is already well-known as a leading light in the fight against climate change. Its initiatives in…
In the news | OnMSFT
Microsoft’s new Climate Research Initiative is a multi-disciplinary collaboration project for researchers
While the US Supreme Court restricts the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to curb emissions in the United States, Microsoft just launched its Climate Research Initiative (MCRI) collective to "accelerate cutting-edge research and transformative innovation in climate science and technology."
In the news | Fast Company
The data center of the future is made of algae bricks and runs on hydrogen fuel cells
Every year for the foreseeable future, Microsoft expects to build 50-100 new data centers to keep up with customer demand. That’s a challenge for a company that has a goal to soon be carbon negative—meaning it sequesters more carbon that…
Karin Strauss awarded SC2020 Test of Time Award at SC2020
Karin Strauss and many co-authors received the SuperComputing 2020 Test of Time Award for their paper An Overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer. This BlueGene/L project was the top computer on the Top500 supercomputer list for a few years and was…
In the news | GeekWire
Microsoft helps found an industry alliance to advance DNA data storage systems
Microsoft is teaming up with other companies to form an alliance to advance the field of DNA data storage, which promises to revolutionize the way vital records are kept for the long haul. The founding members of the DNA Data…
Awards | Allen School News
Karin Strauss honored with ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award
Karin Strauss, a principal research manager at Microsoft and affiliate professor at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, and Allen School professor Luis Ceze, have earned the 2020 Maurice Wilkes Award from the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special…
Awards | Popular Science
Microsoft and Univ. of Washington DNA Storage earns 2016 Popular Science Best of What’s New Award
A collaboration between researchers at Microsoft and the University of Washington to develop a system that uses synthetic DNA as a medium for archiving digital information received a 2016 Popular Science Best of What’s New Award in the Software category.…
In the news | The New York Times
Data Storage on DNA Can Keep It Safe for Centuries
The raw storage capacity of DNA is staggering compared with even the most advanced electronic or magnetic storage systems.