Developing a smartphone-based paid crowdsourcing platform that offers local-language digital work and is accessible to people in rural communities
Social science research into the impacts of digital technologies on society, politics, and culture in India
Project Everest aims to build and deploy a verified HTTPS stack, constructing a high-performance, standards-compliant, and verified implementation of the full HTTPS ecosystem.
The massive scale of cloud infrastructure services enables, and often necessitates, vertical co-design of the infrastructure stack by cloud providers. Micro co-design is a Minimally invasive, Cheap, and retro-fittable approach to co-design that extracts efficiency out of existing software infrastructure layers. It does…
Our objective is to develop a library of efficient machine learning algorithms that can run on severely resource-constrained edge and endpoint IoT devices ranging from the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi.
EdgeML is an open source machine learning library for enabling privacy-preserving, energy-efficient, off-the-grid intelligence in low-resource computing devices.
We design algorithms to address the challenges of scaling ANNS for web and enterprise search and recommendation systems. Our goal is to build systems that serve trillions of points in a streaming setting cost effectively.
Coyote provides developers a programming framework for confidently building reliable asynchronous software on the .NET platform.
The goal of ELLORA is to impact underserved communities through enabling language technology by creating economic opportunities, building technological skills, enhancing education and preserving local language and cultures for future generations.