新闻报道 | Bilanz | Das Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin
Smarte Brille fuer jedermann
Computer Quantentechnologie soll die IT revolutionieren. Die Versprechungen sind riesig, die Probleme ebenfalls.
新闻报道 | Microsoft Innovation Stories
Using AI, people who are blind are able to find familiar faces in a room
Cambridge, United Kingdom – Theo, a 12-year-old boy who is blind, is seated at a table in a crowded kitchen on a gray and drippy mid-December day. A headband that houses cameras, a depth sensor and speakers rings his sandy-brown…
Microsoft recently created a stir after revealing it was taking some ideas from the popular Rust programming language to create a new language for ‘safe infrastructure programming’ under the banner Project Verona.
The road less traveled: With Successor Uncertainties, RL agents become better informed explorers
| Sebastian Tschiatschek 和 Katja Hofmann
Imagine moving to a new city. You want to get from your new home to your new job. Unfamiliar with the area, you ask your co-workers for the best route, and as far as you can tell … they’re right!…
To see the divide between the best artificial intelligence and the mental capabilities of a seven-year-old child, look no further than the popular video game Minecraft. A young human can learn how to find a rare diamond in the game…
| Cheng Zhang 和 Sebastian Tschiatschek
In many real-life scenarios, obtaining information is costly, and getting fully observed data is almost impossible. For example, in the recruiting world, obtaining relevant information (in other words, a feature value) for a company could mean performing time-consuming interviews. The…
新闻报道 | OnMSFT
A conversation with the researcher who put a movie on a piece of glass with Project Silica
One of the highlights of Satya Nadella’s vision keynote at the Microsoft Ignite 2019 last week was Project Silica where he held out a drink coaster-sized piece of regular quartz glass and shared that the piece of glass had the…
新闻报道 | Ars Technica
Microsoft’s Project Silica offers robust thousand-year storage
Ars spoke Tuesday with Dr. Ant Rowstron, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, about an innovative cold storage project called Silica. Silica aims to replace both tape and optical archival discs as the media of choice for…
Optics for the cloud: storage in the zettabyte era with Dr. Ant Rowstron and Mark Russinovich
Remember when a hard drive that could hold a terabyte of data was a big deal? Well, we’re now in an era where peta-, exa- and even zetta-bytes are the bytes of the day, and it turns out it’s hard to fit…