Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo, Japan | 2023年11月
We are living in an exhilarating era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our world in ways we’ve never seen before. From healthcare to education, transportation to entertainment, AI is not only reshaping industries but also expanding the horizons of…
Virtual | 2023年6月
The Microsoft Research Brain & Neuroscience Workshop aims to bring together leading experts and researchers from around the globe to explore the synergies between artificial intelligence (AI), the brain, and the field of neuroscience. Discussion topics include but not limit to: …
Virtual | 2023年5月
The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) has far-reaching consequences for society, with the potential to reshape our understanding of social equality, class mobility, and human technological progress. Microsoft Research Asia is delighted to host a closed-door workshop that brings…
Virtual | 2023年4月
Big models have revolutionized various domains, including natural language processing, computer vision, and speech recognition. However, their complexity poses significant challenges for understanding their relationship to human cognition and behaviour, and their implications on important fields such as education. Microsoft…
Beijing, China | 2023年3月
The workshop brought together experts worldwide in the field to present their latest research, discuss cutting-edge topics, and share insights into the theoretical underpinnings of machine learning. It will cover the theory and new practices on foundation models, understanding and analyzing…
Beijing | 2023年3月
The MSR Asia Science Forum provides a series of seminar talks on natural sciences by invited scientists. It is a platform for scientists from diversified areas (e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Material, Biology and Environment etc.) to communicate and exchange ideas with…
Virtual | 2023年2月
The goal of this workshop is to delve into the ethical implications of big models (such as GPT, Galactica, CLIP, DALL.E-2) and to stimulate critical thinking and meaningful discussions on the subject. Through keynote talks, panel discussions, and interactive sessions,…
Virtual / MSRA | 2022年7月
MSR Asia Theory Lecture Series is a forum where we invite researchers around the world to share the latest theoretical advances in big data, artificial intelligence, and related areas. The Lecture series are broadcast live over Teams. If you would…
Microsoft Building 2, Beijing, China | 2022年6月
Invited by Dr. Lidong Zhou, the director of Microsoft Research Aisa, 20 faculties and graduate students visited Microsoft and co-hosted the “Cross-Boundary Innovation Workshop”. Prof. Ying-Qing Xu, director of Tsinghua Future Lab and distinguished professor of “Chang Jiang Scholar” of…