Home heating uses more energy than any other residential energy expenditure, making increasing the efficiency of home heating an important goal for saving money and protecting the environment. We have built a home-heating system, PreHeat, that automatically programs your thermostat…
NetMedic helps operators perform detailed diagnosis in computer networks. It diagnoses not only generic faults (e.g., performance-related) but also application specfic faults (e.g., error codes). It identifies culprits at a fine granularity such as a process or firewall configuration. Our…
Code Canvas is a new user experience for Visual Studio 2010 that provides an infinite zoomable surface for software development. A canvas both houses editable forms of all of a project’s documents and allows multiple layers of visualization over those…
While typical news-aggregation sites do a good job of clustering news stories according to topic, they leave the reader without information about which stories figure prominently in political discourse. BLEWS uses political blogs to categorize news stories according to their…
MSAGL is a .NET tool for graph layout and viewing. It was developed in Microsoft by Lev Nachmanson, Sergey Pupyrev, Tim Dwyer and Ted Hart. MSAGL is available as open source here. All samples use the C# language. The Distribution…