Shanghai AI/ML Group

The Shanghai AI/ML Group from MSRA Shanghai focuses on research areas related to machine learning and its application. For machine learning research, we are interested to fundamental deep learning techniques including neural network architecture design, graph neural network, sequential learning, reinforcement learning, vector graphics recognition and domain-specific language and speech processing. For machine learning applications, we are interested to solving real-world problems in healthcare and sustainability areas, such as pathological speech/language/behavior analysis, bio-medical signal processing, bio-medical knowledge graph mining and genomics sequences analysis. 

Advanced Machine Learning
  • Bio-inspired neural network for general-purpose machine learning
  • Graph neural network for temporal dynamics, interpretability, and anomaly detection
  • Computer vision for vector graphics, ensemble learning, and domain adaptation/generalization
  • Sequential learning, reinforcement learning and decision making for real-world applications
  • Fundamental technologies for language generation and domain-specific NLP applications
Machine Learning for Healthcare
  • Speech recognition for patients with speech pathology
  • Time series modelling and analysis for bio-medical signals
  • Bio-medical knowledge graph learning for biomedicine and pharmacotherapy
  • Machine learning for transcriptomics and genomics sequences
  • Pathological behavior detection for autism and neurocognitive disease


Dongsheng Li的肖像

Dongsheng Li

Principal Research Manager

Kaitao Song的肖像

Kaitao Song

Senior Researcher

Xufang Luo的肖像

Xufang Luo

Senior Researcher

Yansen Wang的肖像

Yansen Wang


Caihua Shan的肖像

Caihua Shan

Senior Researcher

Xinyang Jiang的肖像

Xinyang Jiang

Senior Researcher

Luna K. Qiu的肖像

Luna K. Qiu

Technical Program Manager II

Yifei Shen的肖像

Yifei Shen


Dongqi Han的肖像

Dongqi Han
