Nouvelles et reportages
Dans l’actualité | Medium
‘Colorblind’ Tech is Killing Us: Why COVID-19 Tech Must Focus on Equity
COVID-19 has taken the lives of more than 120,000 people in the United States and debilitated millions more since arriving on our shores. While anyone can contract the virus, there is a pattern to who gets sick and dies from…
Dans l’actualité | The GitHub Blog
Octoverse spotlight: An analysis of developer productivity, work cadence, and collaboration in the early days of COVID-19
COVID-19 brought a sudden—and global—need for people to stay home. This pressed many organizations to support remote work wherever possible, changing the routines and environment of millions of people in a matter of days. This shift means developers and other…
Dans l’actualité | The Atlantic
Why Some People Get Sicker Than Others
COVID-19 is proving to be a disease of the immune system. This could, in theory, be controlled. The COVID-19 crash comes suddenly. In early March, the 37-year-old writer F. T. Kola began to feel mildly ill, with a fever and…
Dans l’actualité | Microsoft on the Issues
Mobilizing AI for Health to fight against COVID-19
Given the urgency the COVID-19 virus has created, we are mobilizing our AI for Health initiative to focus on helping those on the front lines of research of COVID-19. We’re focusing our efforts in five specific areas where we think…
Dans l’actualité | Forbes
Prazosin Might Be A Treatment For COVID-19. More Data Is Urgently Needed
Amidst all of the unproven and ineffective treatments being promoted for coronavirus treatment, a new possibility has just emerged. Scientists around the globe are devoting enormous resources to trying to develop new treatments for COVID-19, the pandemic that is sweeping…
Dans l’actualité | University of Oxford
Individual response to Covid-19 as important as government action
How individuals respond to government advice on preventing the spread of COVID-19 will be at least as important, if not more important, than government action, according to a new commentary from researchers at the University of Oxford and Imperial College…
Storing digital data in synthetic DNA with Dr. Karin Strauss
| Karin Strauss
Episode 48, October 31, 2018 – Dr. Strauss talks about life at the intersection of computer science and biology which, for many, is more like the intersection of science fiction and science, and explains how the unique properties of DNA…
The future is fusion with Asta Roseway
Episode 44, October 3, 2018 – Asta Roseway gives an inside look at one of the most unconventional labs at Microsoft Research. Located at the intersection of science, technology and art, it’s a lab that insists that technology, like art,…
The democratization of data science with Dr. Chris White
Episode 27, June 6, 2018 – Dr. White talks about his “problem-first” approach to research, explains the vital importance of making data understandable for everyone, and shares the story of how a one-week detour from academia turned into an extended…