Nouvelles et reportages
Dans l’actualité | Parent Map
What This Local Man Is Doing About SIDS
Heather and John Kahan could have been forever crushed when their son Aaron Matthew, seeming to have been born healthy, died soon after birth. Kahan has turned his family’s profound heartbreak into an opportunity to advance medicine, science and technology…
Dans l’actualité | The Seattle Times
Bereaved father, Microsoft data scientists crunch numbers to combat infant deaths
Spurred by a colleague’s family tragedy, a Microsoft team deployed analysis and data visualization tools and found promising leads in combating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Seattle Children’s Hospital is partnering with Microsoft to further the research.
Dans l’actualité | Seattle Children's – On the Pulse
How Microsoft Data Scientists Are Helping Seattle Children’s Solve SIDS
John Kahan manages a team of renowned Microsoft data scientists who are changing how society can use data effectively, from deciding when to plant crops to creating predictive business models.
Dans l’actualité | KOMO News
Microsoft data scientists turn skills to SIDS research
REDMOND, Wash. (KOMO) — Local scientists have made intriguing discoveries related to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. But these aren’t health scientists. This new information comes from data scientists at Microsoft.
Dans l’actualité | Microsoft Stories
For the love of Aaron, and all children who may be susceptible to SIDS
It was the photo that caught his eye. Juan Lavista Ferres had just become a first-time father, and he was jubilant. He brought a picture of his newborn child to work, and he saw a similar photo of an infant…