2019年1月31日 - 2019年2月1日

Swiss Joint Research Center Workshop 2019

地点: Zürich, Switzerland

Venue: ETH Zurich Hauptgebäude

This event is by invitation only.

Swiss JRC Workshop 2017, read more on this blog.

Swiss JRC Workshop 2014, read more on this blog.

2017 Swiss JRC Workshop Logo final

The Swiss Joint Research Center is a collaborative engagement between Microsoft Research and the two universities that make up the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology: ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, which serves German-speaking students) and EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, which serves French-speaking students).

The 6th annual workshop of the Swiss Joint Research Center was held on January 31 – February 1, 2019, at ETH in Zurich. Project Principal Investigators (“PIs”) from ETH Zurich and EPFL introduced nine new research collaborations, selected in the recent Call for Proposals, or provide an update on existing research collaborations.

More details can be found on the project overviews tab. The full agenda is available on the agenda tab.