Microsoft Research at IEEE VIS 2018
October 21, 2018 - October 26, 2018

Microsoft Research @ IEEE VIS 2018

Location: Berlin, Germany


Venue: Estrel Hotel & Congress Center (opens in new tab),
Sonnenallee 225,
12057 Berlin, Germany

It is our pleasure to be a part of the IEEE Visualization (VIS (opens in new tab)) conference in Berlin, Germany, Oct. 21-26, 2018 at the Estrel Hotel & Congress Center (opens in new tab).

VIS is comprised of three conferences: IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), and IEEE Scientific Visualization (SciVis). Microsoft is a Silver sponsor for VIS and is thrilled to have several researchers from attend and present at VIS. If you attend VIS 2018 we hope that you are able to chat with our researchers about their research and career opportunities.


Microsoft Attendees:

Matthew Brehmer (opens in new tab) (EPIC group (opens in new tab))
Weiwei Cui (opens in new tab) (Software Analytics group (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research Asia)
Steven Drucker (opens in new tab) (VIDA group)
Bongshin Lee (opens in new tab) (EPIC group (opens in new tab))
Alper Sarıkaya (opens in new tab) (Power BI (opens in new tab))
Yun Wang (opens in new tab) (Software Analytics group (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research Asia)

VIS Program Committee Members:

Matthew Brehmer (opens in new tab) (InfoVis (opens in new tab))
Weiwei Cui (opens in new tab) (InfoVis (opens in new tab))
Bongshin Lee (opens in new tab) (InfoVis (opens in new tab))
Nathalie Henry Riche (opens in new tab) (InfoVis (opens in new tab))

VIS Organizing Committee Members:

Matthew Brehmer (opens in new tab) (VisInPractice (opens in new tab) co-chair)
Weiwei Cui (opens in new tab) (community co-chair)
Nathalie Henry Riche (opens in new tab) (posters co-chair)
Alper Sarıkaya (opens in new tab) (web co-chair)