July 15, 2013 - July 16, 2013

Faculty Summit 2013

Lieu: Redmond, WA, USA

Past events:
Faculty Summit 2017
Faculty Summit 2016
Faculty Summit 2015
Faculty Summit 2014
Faculty Summit 2012
Faculty Summit 2011
Faculty Summit 2010
Faculty Summit 2009

Faculty Summit 2013 Keynote Speakers

Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Doug Burger

Doug Burger
Microsoft Research

Peter Lee

Peter Lee
Corporate Vice President,
Microsoft Research

Jeannette Wing

Jeannette Wing
Corporate Vice President,
Microsoft Research

Clay Shirky

Clay Shirky
Distinguished Writer in Residence, New York University

Advances in science and technology have often been driven by the need to solve real-world problems, both social and scientific. From novel machine learning algorithms for recognizing and generating natural speech or accelerating drug discovery, to new devices and cloud services for the digital home and natural user interaction, software is experiencing rapid change—as well as being a key enabler for those advances. The computer science community is at the heart of these exciting trends.

Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2013July 15, 2013, marked the start of Microsoft Research’s fourteenth annual Faculty Summit at the Microsoft Conference Center in Redmond, Washington. More than 400 academic researchers from 200 institutions and 29 countries joined Microsoft Research to assess and explore today’s computing opportunities. This year, Bill Gates joined us to set the tone of the summit in a conversation on the topic of “Innovation and Opportunity—the Contribution of Computing to Improving Our World.”

Also delivering keynote presentations this year:

  • Doug Burger discussed how changes in the hardware ecosystem will disrupt computer science.
  • Peter Lee and Jeannette Wing examined how basic research helps everyone.
  • Clay Shirky explored user-centric approaches to data.

Sessions covering topics ranging from “Prediction Engines” and “Big Data Platforms” to “Deep Machine Learning” and “Quantum Computing” adorned the summit agenda and fostered rich and engaging discussions.

Virtual Faculty Summit

The Microsoft Research Faculty Summit was designed to be a collective experience. For those who were unable to attend in person, we developed a virtual event that brought the conference to their computers. Viewers could participate in the Q&A with Bill Gates, hear interviews with key faculty summit presenters, and listen to keynote speaker Doug Burger present “The Beast from Below: How Changes in the Hardware Ecosystem Will Disrupt Computer Science.” These sessions are now available for on-demand streaming on the «Virtual Faculty Summit» tab.

Faculty Summit Chairs

Susan Dumais

Susan Dumais
Microsoft Research

Stewart Tansley

Stewart Tansley
Microsoft Research

Harold Javid

Harold Javid
Microsoft Research