Microsoft Cloud AI Research Challenge

Microsoft Cloud AI Research Challenge

Final Submissions

The deadline of April 15, 2018 has passed.


    1. Create a working, interactive web application that utilizes one or more services listed under (opens in new tab)
    2. You must submit a document using the template provided (opens in new tab) and include the following:
      1. Biographical information and contact information for each member of the team. This should include a brief description of any relevant prior research, publications, or other professional experience.
      2. Project abstract with a description of the Application and statement about the problem that was solved.
      3. Technical description of the project that states the project’s broader significance, goals, and scope of the research or Application.
      4. Features and functionality of the Application.
      5. Images that are photographs or screenshots of your working Application.

All Applications must meet the following requirements:

    1. The language for all materials should be in English or, if not in English, the Submitter must provide an English translation of the Video, Document, and testing instructions.
    2. Applications must be newly created by the Submitter.
    3. The Submitter must make the Application available free of charge and without any restriction, for testing, evaluation and use by the judges during the Challenge.
    4. The Submitter may make the Application available to the public via a website or online store, but is not required to do so.
    5. A Submitter may submit more than one Application, however, each Application must be unique and substantially different each other Application, as determined by the judges.
    6. Applications may integrate SDKs, APIs and data, provided the Submitter is authorized to use them. For some sample data sets refer to (opens in new tab).
    7. Your Application must: (a) be your (or your team or Organization’s) original work product; (b) be solely owned by you, your team, or your Organization with no other person or entity having any right or interest in it; and (c) not violate the intellectual property rights or other rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, contract, and/or privacy rights, of any other person or entity. A Submitter may contract with a third party for technical assistance to create the Application provided the components are solely the Submitter’s work product and the result of the Submitter’s ideas and creativity, and the Submitter owns all rights to them. A Submitter may submit an Application that includes the use of open source software or hardware, provided the Submitter complies with applicable open source licenses and, as part of the Application, creates software that enhances and builds upon the features and functionality included in the underlying open source product. By entering the Challenge you represent, warrant, and agree that your Application meets these requirements.
    8. An Application must not have been developed or derived from an application developed with financial or preferential support from Microsoft. Such applications include, but are not limited to, those that received funding or investment for their development, were developed under contract, or received a commercial license from Microsoft. The judges, at their sole discretion, may disqualify an Application, if giving an Award to the Application would create a real or apparent conflict of interest.
  1. Create a video (the “Video”) that gives a visual and comprehensive demonstration and clearly explains your Application’s features and functionality.
  2. Upload the Video to YouTube or Vimeo.
    1. The video must run on at least one of the following web browsers:
      • Internet Explorer
      • Firefox
      • Google Chrome
      • Apple Safari
      • Android device (such as a smartphone, tablet, Google Glass, etc.)
    2. The total length should be less than three (3) minutes.
    3. Includes footage of a comprehensive demonstration that clearly explains the Application’s features and functionality.
    4. Must not include third party trademarks, or copyrighted music or other material unless the Submitter has permission to use such material.
  3. The deadline of April 15, 2018 to submit your materials has passed.