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Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellows

地区: Global

Igniting interdisciplinary collaboration at the intersection of AI & Society

Frequently asked questions

The details of the fellowship program vary by region. Please carefully review the details specific to your region as well as the information that applies to all applicants.


  • Microsoft is seeking eminent scholars and leading experts from a wide range of fields and disciplines to join a variety of interdisciplinary collaborations. The criteria and guidelines vary by research challenge under the Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellows program.

    • There are two primary audiences who are eligible to apply. 1) leading experts from non-academic disciplines and 2) eminent scholars pursuing research and instruction in academic venues.
    • A fellow selected to be a part of the Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellows program is subject to disciplinary proceedings for inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), or plagiarism will forfeit their funding.
    • To be eligible to apply, candidates will be required to confirm they are actively pursuing (enrolled in program) or have already earned their terminal degree in their respective field or discipline. A terminal degree is defined as the highest-level college degree that can be achieved within your academic discipline or professional field.
    • To learn more, please review the descriptions and eligibility details for specific research challenges.
  • Please view the specific requirements for each research challenge to answer eligibility questions.

Proposal submission

  • Please visit How to apply for detailed information on what should be included in your proposal.

  • You will find a link to the submission portal at the top of the How to apply tab. The call for proposals will be open from November 1 – 29, 2023. We will not accept proposals sent by email.

  • Statement of Interest documents should be a minimum 10-point font with a maximum of 3 pages. You may include a fourth page with citations and references as part of your Statement of Interest. The total length of this document should not exceed 4 pages total, assuming the fourth page is dedicated to citations/references only. Margins should be 1” or wider to ensure readability. Option to submit as word document or PDF file.

  • Yes. Provided you meet all the eligibility requirements, you may submit multiple, separate proposals to different research challenges (up to three separate proposals). If selected, you are likely to only be selected into one research challenge collaboration.

  • This fellowship is generally open for individual submissions from candidates.

    Note: There are a few exceptions to this which are noted in the Research Challenge tab of the program webpage which you can view under the “Additional Details” of the research challenge. Where applicable, you will find a note if the research challenge is accepting collaborative proposals (of a maximum of two candidates) and instructions on how to indicate this in your submission. If you have questions, you may contact us.

  • The fellowship is accepting proposals from eligible candidates who wish to collaborate with Microsoft in the direction of the research as outlined in the descriptions under the Research Challenge tab of our Fellows program webpage. Candidates are invited to submit proposals for collaboration which are to include a “Statement of Interest” that details relevant information as described in the “How to Apply” tab of our program page.

    Note: The “AI in Organizational Settings” research challenge has some greater flexibility to this guidance. Please contact us if you have any questions.

  • The fellowship will encompass a one-year research collaboration between fellows and Microsoft, beginning roughly in February 2024. The nature and structure of collaboration will vary by research challenge and respective teams. This will all be coordinated once fellows are selected and during the initial kick off discussions.

  • Select ‘Professor’ for the ‘Profession’ drop down when submitting your proposal. Please ensure to clearly state your profession of ‘Adjunct Professor’ in your statement of interest.

  • Select ‘Student’ for the ‘Profession’ drop down when submitting your proposal. Please ensure to clearly state your profession of ‘Postdoc Student’ in your statement of interest.

  • No, there is no limit. All candidates who are eligible are welcome to submit a proposal.

Review & selection

    • Proposals will be reviewed by Microsoft Researchers who are directly related to each research challenge.
    • Please visit How to apply for additional guidance on what proposal criteria will be used to review and consider each candidate’s proposal.
    • In general, we will look for accomplishment, alignment of your work/motivation to the research challenge you submitted to, and the potential impact of collaboration.
    • Applicants will all receive notification of their acceptance status by mid-January 2024 regarding the outcome of their submission.
    • Due to the volume of submissions, Microsoft cannot provide individual feedback on proposals.
    • Timing — Persons awarded a fellowship in January 2024 will receive their funding (unrestricted gift) around February 2024. Microsoft sends the payment directly to your institution/organization, which then disperses funds according to its guidelines.
    • Taxes — The tax implications for the fellowship are based on the policy at your university and applicable tax laws in your region.
    • Intellectual property (IP) — The funds are given as an unrestricted gift. Fellowship recipients are not subject to IP restrictions given the nature of these open research collaboration discussions.
    • Award restrictions — If you accept the Microsoft AI & Society Fellows program funding, you are not subject to any restrictions to accept funding from other organizations, grants, etc.
  • Candidates who are selected will be named Fellows, and will receive a monetary award in the form of an unrestricted gift. The funds are given directly to the fellow’s institution to be distributed to serve as a stipend as appropriate.

    In addition, the Fellow will be connected with the Microsoft Research team who is dedicated to collaborating on the specific research challenge. The unrestricted gift does not interfere with future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Microsoft, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them.

  • After the Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellows are notified, the fellowship’s research collaborations will be effective starting in February 2024.

Fellowship payments

  • Funds are being provided as an unrestricted gift to the Institution to be disbursed as per the institutions policies and procedures. If you leave the institution, it will be at the discretion of the institution as to whether will permit and facilitate transferring any unspent funds to your new institution directly.

    If there is movement within the receiving institution, where you along with your research project move to a different or new department, requiring an updated letter or formal approval for continued access to the funding, please reach out and we will be more than happy to assist.

    If you move within your Institution but the research project does not move with you, it will be at the discretion of the institution as to whether those funds move or remain with the original department.

  • Fellowship funding is being provided as an Unrestricted Gift and standard overhead/indirect costs would not apply. Since the funding is Unrestricted, we will not request nor require detailed accounting of how or when the funds are used, and we do not expect a return of any unused funds.

  • Payment will be made electronically as soon as any required administrative steps are completed.

Please note that due to a high volume of emails we receive, we may not respond to your email if your question is answered on this program page. We encourage you to check the Program details, How to apply, and FAQ for answers to most commonly asked questions.