Updated SAP Connector for .Net support in on-premises data gateway

We are happy to announce that as part of the October 2023 release of the on-premises data gateway, we are adding support for NCo 3.1. This means that you can now use the latest version of the SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET to connect to your SAP systems from Power Automate, Power Apps, Power BI, and Azure Logic Apps.

What is NCo 3.1?

NCo 3.1 is the SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET 3.1, which is a library that enables applications to communicate with SAP systems using the RFC (Remote Function Call) protocol. NCo 3.1 supports both synchronous and asynchronous calls, as well as advanced features such as connection pooling, load balancing, and secure network communication.

Why should I use NCo 3.1?

NCo 3.0 will no longer be supported by SAP after October 31, 2023. Additionally, NCo 3.1 offers several benefits over the previous version, NCo 3.0, such as:

  • Improved performance and stability
  • Enhanced security and encryption options
  • Support for newer SAP releases and platforms
  • Compatibility with .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1
  • Bug fixes and feature enhancements

How do I use NCo 3.1 with the on-premises data gateway?

To use NCo 3.1 with the on-premises data gateway, you need to do the following steps:

  • Download and install NCo 3.1 from [here].
  • Download and install the October 2023 release of the on-premises data gateway from [here].
  • Configure your SAP connections in the gateway settings.
  • Use your SAP connections in your Power Automate flows, Power Apps apps, Power BI reports, or Azure Logic Apps workflows.

Can I continue to use NCo 3.0?

If you are using NCo 3.0 with the on-premises data gateway, you need to be aware of the following changes:

  • NCo 3.0 is no longer supported by the on-premises data gateway starting from the October 2023 release.
  • You need to upgrade to NCo 3.1 to continue using your SAP connections with new releases of the On-Premises Data Gateway. The following table summarizes the compatibility of NCo versions with the on-premises data gateway releases:
NCo version On-premises data gateway release
NCo 3.0 Any version prior to October 2023 (3000.190 and earlier)
NCo 3.1 Any version October 2023 or after (3000.194 and later)



Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Problem Solution
Mismatched Gateway and SAP NCo version:

You may see an error similar to this one:

[…] “SAP client library failed to load. Verify that prerequisites SAP .NET Connector sapnco.dll x64 has been deployed with all its dependencies. Exception details: ‘Could not load file or assembly ‘sapnco, Version=,[…]

Note the version number of the NCo library in the message: — This indicates that the On-Premises Data Gateway is unable to find NCo 3.1

Install NCo 3.1 from SAP
Mismatched Gateway and SAP NCo version:

You may see an error similar to this one:
[…] “SAP client library failed to load. Verify that prerequisites SAP .NET Connector sapnco.dll x64 has been deployed with all its dependencies. Exception details: ‘Could not load file or assembly ‘sapnco, Version=,


Note the version number of the NCo library in the message: — This indicates that the On-Premises Data Gateway is unable to find NCo 3.0

Install On-Premises Data Gateway version 3000.194 or later and NCo 3.1 from SAP (preferred)



Install NCo 3.0 from SAP

Incorrect AppServerService value:

Versions of the gateway prior to October 2023 (3000.194) ignored the value of AppServerService in connection configurations. This value is now respected, which means that incorrect values in this field will now cause connection failures. You may see error messages like the following:

LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host sap.example.com / sapgw00 ERROR service ‘wrongValue’ unknown […]

Note that the correct service name is contained in the error message. In the example above: “sapgw00”


Update AppServerService to a correct value or omit it. The parameter is generally not needed, unless your App Server Service runs on a non-standard port

To download the SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET 3.1 (NCo 3.1) go to  https://support.sap.com/en/product/connectors/msnet.html.

For information and download of the Microsoft On-premises data gateway go to On-premises data gateway – Power Automate | Microsoft Learn


We hope that you enjoy using NCo 3.1 with the on-premises data gateway and take advantage of its improved features and performance. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below or contact us through our support channels. Thank you for choosing Microsoft!