Pipelines for All Public Preview: Easily set up pipelines in Power Platform
Have you ever wanted to use pipelines to deploy your solutions across environments, but found it too complicated or time-consuming to set up? Or maybe you wish you could follow ALM best practices more easily and efficiently but don’t have an active admin who is able to dedicate the time to set it all up? If so, you’re in luck! We are excited to announce Pipelines for All: a streamlined Pipelines setup process that could have you deploying from scratch in less than a minute.
This feature is now available in make.preview.powerapps.com for you to try out, and will be available for everyone in make.powerapps.com by the end of the week.
How does this work?
Thanks to a newly integrated pipelines host available to be provisioned in the platform itself, Pipelines can be set up as soon as you get to the Pipelines page. From the new experience, makers can now create pipelines in environments that are not already associated with a custom host (i.e. environments that are not already using pipelines). The Create pipeline experience enables makers to name their personal pipeline and select a target environment, enabled as a Managed Environment, that they have import access to. From clicking Save, the lightweight pipeline is created, and they are ready to leverage the benefits of pipelines like no .zip file downloads or uploads required, deployment scheduling, inline target environment solution validation, upfront environment variable value validation, recorded deployment stage run history, and Copilot-generated deployment notes.
Who benefits? And what about admins?
Makers who are currently manually exporting their solutions from their development environments and importing to a test or production environment can now instantly benefit from pipelines if they have Managed Environments enabled for their target environment(s). And, when an admin is ready to set up pipelines the traditional way and enable extensibility such as approvals, they still can. The process of going from efficient personal pipelines to a central governed pipeline will also be made easy by the end of next month when this feature becomes Generally Available.
We hope this will make it much easier to get started with Pipelines and enable all makers to adopt healthy ALM practices.
Learn more about Pipelines for All
- Set up pipelines in Power Platform. Microsoft docs