Kent Weare articles

Kent Weare
3 min read

Solutions in Microsoft Flow 

In a recent announcement, Microsoft shared news about a new Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) capability for PowerApps and Microsoft Flow. This new capability is built upon the Common Data Service solution system.
1 min read

New Power platform Admin Analytics Reports: Sharing and Connectors 

In late September, we announced the public preview release of the Power platform Admin Analytics. In that post we discussed a couple of upcoming reports including sharing and connectors. We have honored that commitment and I am happy to share that both the sharing and connectors reports are available in Microsoft Flow Admin Analytics.
4 min read

Announcing Power Query Online Integration for Microsoft Flow 

We have recently shipped, in public preview, Power Query Online integration for Microsoft Flow. Using this capability allows flow makers to transform and shape their data coming from SQL Server using Power Query Online.
3 min read

Introducing Power platform Admin Analytics 

As part of the recent preview release of the Power platform Admin center, I am happy to announce that we have included Admin Analytics as part of this preview. The Admin Analytics feature includes reports for Common Data Services, Microsoft Flow and PowerApps.
7 min read

Advanced | Flow of the Week: What interests my boss, fascinates me! 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way for a cognitive engine to process your emails, pull out key phrases and then execute a search engine query and return the top 3 results? Well there is, and these steps can be orchestrated using Microsoft Flow which is the inspiration for this blog post.
2 min read

Announcing Microsoft Flow Analytics 

As Microsoft Flow consumption increases in organizations, customers are looking for more insight into the health of flows running within their environment. To address this feedback, we recently launched Microsoft Flow Analytics in all Microsoft Flow regions.
6 min read

Advanced | Flow of the Week: Automating Intelligent Customer Service using Microsoft Flow, and Dynamics 365 

As organizations focus on customer obsession, they need to scale their organization to exceed elevated customer expectations. It typically isn’t practical to meet this demand through additional headcount. The question becomes how can I scale my customer service department, without adding labor costs? The answer lies in the phrase “work smarter, not harder”.