<p>SharePoint Online (SPO) has a gaggle of new innovation and welcome improvements. The premier sharing service is updated with a new, fluid user interface, active personal file sharing, higher storage limits for both personal and team sites, a high-end cloud app development model, and more robust tooling for admins to more easily and effectively control their SPO environment. Everyone benefits from the new SharePoint Online!
Users benefit with new ways to share internally and externally and anonymously, in how they search and discover the right information and people and how they build sites and experiences in a more self-service fashion.
Project managers now have better ways to organize documents, project details and timelines.
Developers are no longer limited on the types of solutions they can deliver to the Office 365 cloud.
IT Professionals can more easily manage sites and permissions on behalf of their entire company.
This article will cover the top 10 new SPO innovations with a pointer at the end to the new SPO service description - home to all SharePoint features across all offerings (online and on-premises).</p>