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2 min read

Rockwell Automation uses data in faster, more innovative ways, cuts costs by 90 percent 

Industrial manufacturers are certainly recognizing the urgency to do more with their data. In a recent global study from GE and Accenture across eight industrial sectors, 66 percent of surveyed executives believe they could lose their market position in the next one to three years if they do not adopt big data, and 88 percent reported that big data analytics is a top priority for their business.

3 min read

PPDM 2015: New Playgrounds for Oil & Gas Rebels 

At the very beginning it was pure adventure! Lonesome riders, heading towards where the sun goes down. Mavericks, with their own rules, rebels, free to make a living their own way. Yeah, the Wild West was a time of freedom – not necessarily fun, but opportunities everywhere, endless land and resources. A playground where wildcatters started their way becoming oil barons and roughnecks shaped today’s idea of a tough guy.

3 min read

A new foundation for connected business processes at a German pharmaceutical and chemical company 

Today’s Office 365 post was written by Dr. Matthias Geselle, a Vice President, member of the IT leadership team at Merck. Merck is the world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company and is operating in 66 countries. Since 1668 the name has stood for innovation, business success and responsible entrepreneurship. It does business as EMD Millipore and EMD Serono in the United States and Canada.

2 min read

How social computing can accelerate product innovation 

In today’s hyper-connected world, change has certainly become the new constant. To keep pace with rapidly-changing customer and market needs, product-driven enterprises need to be able to listen, adapt and grow at the speed of a networked world.

2 min read

Delivering transformative connected consumer experiences 

In my last blog, I talked about how our hyper-connected world has changed how manufacturing employees need and expect to work. Now I want to focus on the consumer side of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Smart Home, and what that means for manufacturers.

3 min read

Reengineering the Tech Platform for the New Era of Manufacturing 

In my previous blog post, I talked about the three areas of change that industrial manufacturers need to understand in order to take advantage of the opportunities of a connected world to create unprecedented business value: the technology aspect, the morphing of business practices, and the interconnecting of things, people and services. Today, I’d like to talk more about the technology side of things.